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Family: Hausmann, Nathan / Lang, Babette (F8882)

m. 30 Jun 1825

Family Chart     |    PDF

Lang, Abraham Joseph
Male (1763-1842)
Vernheim, Caroline
Female (1762-1821)
Lang, Fradche
Female (1789-1844)
Lang, Caroline
Female (1804-1875)
Lang, Beile
Female (1792-1882)
Lang, Judith
Female (1801- )
Hausmann, Nathan
Male (1752-1829)
Lang, Babette
Female (1799-1872)
Housman, Sigmund
Male (1826-1899)
Hausmann, Isak
Male (1828-1832)
Hausmann, Joseph
Male (1827-1827)