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Family: Wolf, Emanuel / Susel, Barbara (F12263)

m. 6 Jul 1865

Family Chart     |    PDF

Wolf, Isaak
Male (1803-1869)
Loeb, Barbe
Female (1801-1860)
Wolf, Hermann
Male (1832-1907)
Wolf, Caroline
Female (1838- )
Wolf, Wilhelmine
Female (1836-1838)
Wolf, David
Male (1844-1845)
Wolf, Rebecca
Female (1840- )
Wolf, Sara
Female (1834- )
Wolf, Emanuel
Male (1829-1885)
Susel, Barbara
Female (1838-1913)
Wolf, Isabella
Female (1868-1923)
Wolf, Siegfried
Male (1866- )
Wolf, Hermann
Male (1867-1885)
Wolf, Oscar
Male (1875-1911)
Wolf, Franziska
Female (1883-1942)