1864 - 1938 (~ 73 years)
Name |
Pearson, Aaron [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
Born |
Apr 1864 |
Bialystok, Podlaskie, Poland [1, 5, 6, 7, 8] |
- ------ From Source Attached To: Birth ------
1938 Death record states age as 75; Maury Kitces shows 1867 but no source indicated. Everyone says "born in Bialystok."
Gender |
Male |
Immigration |
9 Feb 1901 |
New York, New York, New York, USA |
Name |
Aharon Perec |
Name |
Archie Pearson |
Name |
Harold Perason |
Died |
17 Feb 1938 |
Montreal, , Quebec, Canada [1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12] |
Buried |
B'nai Jacob New, Back River, Montreal, , Quebec, Canada [3, 4, 13, 14] |
Person ID |
I14153 |
Our Family |
Last Modified |
29 Aug 2024 |
Father |
Pearson, Joseph N., b. 16 Feb 1837, Bialystok, Podlaskie, Poland , d. 24 Feb 1914, Montreal, , Quebec, Canada (Age 77 years) |
Relationship |
natural |
Mother |
Rushin, Fanny, b. 15 Aug 1837, Bialystok, Podlaskie, Poland , d. 21 Jan 1930, Montreal, , Quebec, Canada (Age 92 years) |
Relationship |
natural |
Married |
Bialystok, Podlaskie, Poland [1, 6, 15, 16] |
Family ID |
F10426 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Dlugolowska, Malka Gittel, b. May 1866, Bialystok, Podlaskie, Poland , d. 26 Sep 1952, Montreal, , Quebec, Canada (Age ~ 86 years) |
Married |
1882 |
Bialystok, Podlaskie, Poland [17] |
- Malka's maiden name is DLUGOLOWSKA in her marriage record and her father appears as "Elia." Could this be another Malka or was the relationship between Aron and Malka other than first cousins.
Children |
Last Modified |
29 Aug 2024 |
Family ID |
F5087 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- Stanley Diamond Update - 03/13/2002
Sept. 9, 1993: Lorne PEARSON said his grandfather died in 1937 and is buried in the cemetery on Berri St. Ethel BERZAN said this is the Chevra Kadisha - B'nai Jacob. However, Sam ABRAMSON said "Archie's mother Faigie and Aunt Chana are buried in the Adath Yeshuran cemetery! Lorne offer ed to accompany me if I go to the cemetery.
Nov. 2, 2001: Paperman's provided exact dates of death and confirmed that theya re buried in the B'nai Jacob Cemetery.
Lorne believes Archie and Malka were first cousins. Lillian MILLMAN confirmed this on April 1, 1994. According to Lillian's tree, Malka is a PEARSON that is not related to me. Lillian also provided their wedding year.
His mother Faigie's obituary mentioned the name Aaron. This is how he is listed in his death records at Paperman's Funeral Home. I assume Archie's Hebrew name was Aron or Aharon. This will show on his stone.
November, 2001: Received Passenger Arrival record from Maury Kitces. It states that Aron PERETZ, arrived in New York on the S.S. Bulgaria ( sailed from Hamburg on 20 January 1901), age 34, joiner (carpenter) last residing in Bialystok, going to (hard to read) living at 2104 Notre Dame S t. (see below)
Lovell’s Montreal City Directory (Notes from Lorne Pearson, 7 November 20 01)
2104 Notre Dame Street
1899 and 1900:Max STREAN, Second Hand Store (son-in-law of Joshuel)
1901:Nasol PEARSON, Second Hand Store, living at 210 Notre Dame St.
(or perhaps living at 2104 Notre Dame and working at 210 Notre Dame St.
1902 and 1903:R. DENENBERG Clothing (son-in-law of Joshuel)
The first entry for Aron/Archie was in the 1905-1906 Lovell's Directory a nd lists:
A. PEARSON, Carpenter, 161 Vitre
There are records in Bialystok that might be for other children of Aron a nd Malka who did not survive.
PEREC Enia 1899 B 597 Aron
PEREC Gercka Aronowicz 1888 D 173
PEREC Neche Aronowna 1893 D 228
PEREC Fejga 1876 D 165F Aron 1191936 (likely from an earlier genera tion)
November, 2001: Cecile EFFROS KLEIN said that Archie used to refer to Malka as "Malka my chrain (crown]." She was told that Archie and Malka's first three children died at a very young age and that people on the street told them "G-d is punishing you for marrying" (i.e. first cousins marrying) .
Subj: More Ellis Island Record
Date:11/6/2001 7:37:25 AM EST
From:maury@kitces.com (maury kitces)
I have located the ship manifests for Meier, Rebecca, Gus, and Chana their mother!!
3 ships, at different times, all to contact Simon in Albany. Dates are 19 00-1901. Ages shown in the records mean that our dates of birth are off (a little).
Original name was Peratz/Peretz.
I will send you selections of the images as soon as I get the chance.
From: SMSDIAMOND@aol.com
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 1:25 AM
To: maury@kitces.com
Subject: Re: More Ellis Island Record
In a message dated 11/15/2001 10:18:50 PM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> Here are the extracts. I have also added one for Simon, but cannot conf irm it
> is the correct one, as well as a possibility for another Aron - perha ps a second trip?
There were two of the same -- for Simon... and none for Aron Also, would l ike to know the boat / date for Simon.
> I also would be interested in other extracts from Bialystok. My grandm other
> was Anna Chensky, and her father was Nusan. I suspect the actual spell ing
> was Chinski, I have seen several Bialystok families with that spelling.
Let's save up the requests.. I cannot ask right now. Did you check out t he names I gave you with my last message?
Subj: A puzzlement
Date:11/16/2001 1:20:09 PM EST
From:maury@kitces.com (maury kitces)
I just realized the relationships appear to be wrong.
Aaron states he is Gedalia's brother, and Chana's son. If the Aaron is "Archie", Malka's husband, he is Gedalia's brother-in-law and Chana's son-in -law. He can't be Chana's husband, and Gedalia's father, because that Aaron died in Poland (Chana was a widow when she arrived). I thought that maybe Aaron was another brother to Meyer, Simon, Gus, etc., and died in the early 1900's, but he wouldn't have had the same name as his father Aaron. Maybe he and Malka (the half-sister) shared the same father, and the o ther siblings had Aaron as their father.
I'm confused.
Subj:Re: A puzzlement
In a message dated 11/16/2001 1:20:09 PM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> I just realized the relationships appear to be wrong.
> Aaron states he is Gedalia's brother, and Chana's son. If the Aaron is
> "Archie", Malka's husband, he is Gedalia's brother-in-law and Chana's
It could be any one of the above.
It is also possible that Aron Archie was using his aunt Chana's name for h is arrival to simplify his entry into the U.S.A.
Larry Pearson (great-grandson of Aaron and grandson of Gedalia) may know the answer. I suggest you ask him about the mystery.
I think it might be helpful if you made an excel spreadsheet with all the PERETZ arrival.
I will be meeting with Cecile EFROS KLEIN, her daughter Harriet and Lorne PEARSON on Tuesday, Sept. 20th. She is the daughter of Rifke and granddaughter of Aaron Archie. It could be useful to have your gedcom on hand.
Subj:Re: A puzzlement (with attachment)
File: C:\AOL Canada 5.0b\download\Ellis Island\PEARSON family\Pearsons El lisIsland.xls (15872 bytes)
DL Time (48000 bps): < 1 minute
In a message dated 11/17/2001 1:53:51 PM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> I spoke to my mother (Meyer's daughter), and she does not know of any ot her
> Aaron, except for "Archie", Malka's husband.
Maury, it could well be the same Aaron going up and back.
Perhaps he (Aaron/Archie) found it necessary to fib on his second and third voyages to NY, USA and mention someone in NY, USA that he was going to, rather than say "Montreal." It might be a good question to post on JewishGen. I.e. did people have to have someone they were going to in the U. S. even if their final
destination was Canada.
> Also, I checked the Henry St. address, and there is one in Albany, abo ut 5
> miles from the Arch St. address. However, there is also a Henry S t. in NYC,
> and it is about 4 blocks from the Tenement Museum, which was the cent er of
> the Jewish area in the early 1900's. So I strongly suspect that the N YC address
> is valid. My mother did not know that the family might have lived in N YC.
You can check the NY, USA City Directory against those addresses... also t he 1905 NY, USA City Census.
> Also, she sends regards to Cecile. They haven't spoken in many year
> and would love her phone number.
Her daughter Harriet's number is 514-336-9039
> I have attached a spreadsheet showing the immigration records that I ha ve
> located so far.
Hope you don't mind... I made some changes to bring the format into someth ing similar to what I normally see.
> My genealogy database is about 2 years out of date. I have a ton of
> material to enter, but have not had the time. If you would like, I cou ld
> send you a GEDCOM file of what I have.
What I would like to start with is the info on you to your great-grandfath er so that I can put you into my tree.
Are you in touch with Larry?
Stan From: SMSDIAMOND@aol.com Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 7: 50 PM
To: maury@kitces.com
Cc: Ldpearso@aol.com
Subject: A new mystery!! Found Aron and Malka's marriage record
The file with the 1879 to 1882 Bialystok Marriage indices arrived today fr om Poland. As you know, as the project coordinator of Jewish Records Indexing - Poland, I have a little pull and get the data hot off the press. .. often months before the indices are posted to our database on the web s ite.
Here is the record that came as a surprise:
Marriage Record from 1882, Akt # 108
PEREC Aron son of Josel
D£UGO£OWSKA Malka daughter of Elia
Everything about this record, except Malka's father's name and surname is dead on. Finally, we have the exact year of marriage too!
1. It could be that Elia (Elias) was also known as Aron and perhaps
the Hebrew part of this record will indicate both names.
2. The surname DLUGOLOWSKA is the real surprise.
Perhaps Malka's father "Aron" and Aron's father Josel were not brothe rs after all.
Maybe Malka and husband Aron were related in another way.
The record is at the very end of Mormon Microfilm # 1,618,509 and a friend from the genealogical world is going to make a copy of it at the New York Family History Center this coming week. I will keep you posted.
Stan (see reply on March 2nd)
Subj:Re: A new mystery!! Found Aron and Malka's marriage record
In a message dated 12/2/2001 10:15:35 PM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> Very interesting!!
> Malka is the key to the relation to the 2 families. The informati on I have
> from several sources is that Malka and Aron were cousins, probably firs t
> cousins. Also, Malka is supposedly the half-sister of Simon, Meyer, Gu s,
> etc. She could be a half-sister with the same mother, but that mea ns the
> cousin relationship would also go through the mother.
> I also heard that her name was Pearson BEFORE she married Aron.
> Perhaps that part is incorrect.
> Hopefully, more records will show up.
I may have not explained myself well. What I was quoting you was the ent ry from the indices. When we get the FULL extract of the record (they we re in both Russian and Hebrew), we will get Malka's mother's name and may be her mother's maiden name and hopefully the towns where they were bor n. I.e. there are no Bialystok birth records for Malka and Aron.
On my part, I am very anxious to see if the marriage record gives Aron's m other Faige's maiden name because I have never seen it in writing on th at side of the ocean. Since Faige was my great-grandmother's sister, th is is of great interest to me.
Stan Subj: Re: A favour, please Date:12/5/2001 7:08:01 AM EST From:a.sharon@shaw.ca (Alexander Sharon)
Hi Stan,
On the right column first word says: Kholost which in Russian means "bache lor"
Next is the word : Sukhov...... (is this a shtetl?) and name: Aron Yoselev ich (son of Yosel) Perec (Peretz) and dievitsa (Russian for bride) Malka E liashevna (Elia's daughter) Dlogolovskaya (Russian usually adding suffix . ."aya" to Dlugolowska).
What is is word starting with "Sukhov.."..in front of Aron's name could re fer to? Just curious.
Subj:Re: Aron and Malka's marriage record
Date:3/2/2002 5:46:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
File: Malczewski_Muszkat in Lublin.ZIP (92685 bytes)
DL Time (46667 bps): < 1 minute
In a message dated 3/2/2002 10:57:43 AM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> I was looking through the Polish Indices this week, and found several f amily
> references. Clearly, the name of our branch in Bialystok was PEREC. M y
> grandfather Mejer's record is exact. Correct father, Aron, mother, Cha na, and
> even grandfather Nissel! It finally gives a definitive birth date f or him of 1882.
> There is also a record for his brother Gdalia, as well as probable entr ies for
> Aron's son Jack, and a previously unknown child Neche (b. 1892, d. 189 3).
> Have you found out any more about the mysterious Malka?
> Maury.
Regrettably, with all the things in which I am involved, there is little t ime for my own research.
I suggest you arrange for copies and full extracts of all the PEREC recor ds from Bialystok, both those in the Mormon microfilms and those not film ed by the Mormons and only available in the Polish State Archives.
Only by getting full extracts, can you unlock the secrets that may be m ay be buried within these docs.
I am attaching an Excel file with all the records with the EXACT spelli ng PEREC. However, you should also do a Daitch - Mokotoff soundex sear ch and see which other spellings might also have been used by/for the fami ly.
Stanley Diamond Update - 03/13/2002
Sept. 9, 1993: Lorne PEARSON said his grandfather died in 1937 and is buri ed in the cemetery on Berri St. Ethel BERZAN said this is the Chevra Kadi sha - B'nai Jacob. However, Sam ABRAMSON said "Archie's mother Faigie a nd Aunt Chana are buried in the Adath Yeshuran cemetery! Lorne offer ed to accompany me if I go to the cemetery.
Nov. 2, 2001: Paperman's provided exact dates of death and confirmed th at theya re buried in the B'nai Jacob Cemetery.
Lorne believes Archie and Malka were first cousins. Lillian MILLMAN confi rmed this on April 1, 1994. According to Lillian's tree, Malka is a PEAR SON that is not related to me. Lillian also provided their wedding year.
His mother Faigie's obituary mentioned the name Aaron. This is h ow he is listed in his death records at Paperman's Funeral Home. I assu me Archie's Hebrew name was Aron or Aharon. This will show on his stone.
November, 2001: Received Passenger Arrival record from Maury Kitce s. It states that Aron PERETZ, arrived in New York on the S.S. Bulgaria ( sailed from Hamburg on 20 January 1901), age 34, joiner (carpenter) last r esiding in Bialystok, going to (hard to read) living at 2104 Notre Dame S t. (see below)
Lovell’s Montreal City Directory (Notes from Lorne Pearson, 7 November 20 01)
2104 Notre Dame Street
1899 and 1900:Max STREAN, Second Hand Store (son-in-law of Joshuel)
1901:Nasol PEARSON, Second Hand Store, living at 210 Notre Dame St.
(or perhaps living at 2104 Notre Dame and working at 210 Notre Dame St.
1902 and 1903:R. DENENBERG Clothing (son-in-law of Joshuel)
The first entry for Aron/Archie was in the 1905-1906 Lovell's Directory a nd lists:
A. PEARSON, Carpenter, 161 Vitre
There are records in Bialystok that might be for other children of Aron a nd Malka who did not survive.
PEREC Enia 1899 B 597 Aron
PEREC Gercka Aronowicz 1888 D 173
PEREC Neche Aronowna 1893 D 228
PEREC Fejga 1876 D 165F Aron 1191936 (likely from an earlier genera tion)
November, 2001: Cecile EFFROS KLEIN said that Archie used to refer to Mal ka as "Malka my chrain (crown]." She was told that Archie and Malka's fir st three children died at a very young age and that people on the street t old them "G-d is punishing you for marrying" (i.e. first cousins marrying) .
Subj: More Ellis Island Record
Date:11/6/2001 7:37:25 AM EST
From:maury@kitces.com (maury kitces)
I have located the ship manifests for Meier, Rebecca, Gus, and Chana the ir mother!!
3 ships, at different times, all to contact Simon in Albany. Dates are 19 00-1901. Ages shown in the records mean that our dates of birth are o ff (a little).
Original name was Peratz/Peretz.
I will send you selections of the images as soon as I get the chance.
From: SMSDIAMOND@aol.com
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 1:25 AM
To: maury@kitces.com
Subject: Re: More Ellis Island Record
In a message dated 11/15/2001 10:18:50 PM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> Here are the extracts. I have also added one for Simon, but cannot conf irm it
> is the correct one, as well as a possibility for another Aron - perha ps a second trip?
There were two of the same -- for Simon... and none for Aron Also, would l ike to know the boat / date for Simon.
> I also would be interested in other extracts from Bialystok. My grandm other
> was Anna Chensky, and her father was Nusan. I suspect the actual spell ing
> was Chinski, I have seen several Bialystok families with that spelling.
Let's save up the requests.. I cannot ask right now. Did you check out t he names I gave you with my last message?
Subj: A puzzlement
Date:11/16/2001 1:20:09 PM EST
From:maury@kitces.com (maury kitces)
I just realized the relationships appear to be wrong.
Aaron states he is Gedalia's brother, and Chana's son. If the Aaron is "A rchie", Malka's husband, he is Gedalia's brother-in-law and Chana's son-in -law. He can't be Chana's husband, and Gedalia's father, because that Aar on died in Poland (Chana was a widow when she arrived). I thought that ma ybe Aaron was another brother to Meyer, Simon, Gus, etc., and died in t he early 1900's, but he wouldn't have had the same name as his father Aaro n. Maybe he and Malka (the half-sister) shared the same father, and the o ther siblings had Aaron as their father.
I'm confused.
Subj:Re: A puzzlement
In a message dated 11/16/2001 1:20:09 PM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> I just realized the relationships appear to be wrong.
> Aaron states he is Gedalia's brother, and Chana's son. If the Aaron is
> "Archie", Malka's husband, he is Gedalia's brother-in-law and Chana's
It could be any one of the above.
It is also possible that Aron Archie was using his aunt Chana's name for h is arrival to simplify his entry into the U.S.A.
Larry Pearson (great-grandson of Aaron and grandson of Gedalia) may know t he answer. I suggest you ask him about the mystery.
I think it might be helpful if you made an excel spreadsheet with all t he PERETZ arrival.
I will be meeting with Cecile EFROS KLEIN, her daughter Harriet and Lor ne PEARSON on Tuesday, Sept. 20th. She is the daughter of Rifke and grandd aughter of Aaron Archie. It could be useful to have your gedcom on hand.
Subj:Re: A puzzlement (with attachment)
File: C:\AOL Canada 5.0b\download\Ellis Island\PEARSON family\Pearsons El lisIsland.xls (15872 bytes)
DL Time (48000 bps): < 1 minute
In a message dated 11/17/2001 1:53:51 PM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> I spoke to my mother (Meyer's daughter), and she does not know of any ot her
> Aaron, except for "Archie", Malka's husband.
Maury, it could well be the same Aaron going up and back.
Perhaps he (Aaron/Archie) found it necessary to fib on his second and thi rd voyages to NY, USA and mention someone in NY, USA that he was going t o, rather than say "Montreal." It might be a good question to post on Jew ishGen. I.e. did people have to have someone they were going to in the U. S. even if their final
destination was Canada.
> Also, I checked the Henry St. address, and there is one in Albany, abo ut 5
> miles from the Arch St. address. However, there is also a Henry S t. in NYC,
> and it is about 4 blocks from the Tenement Museum, which was the cent er of
> the Jewish area in the early 1900's. So I strongly suspect that the N YC address
> is valid. My mother did not know that the family might have lived in N YC.
You can check the NY, USA City Directory against those addresses... also t he 1905 NY, USA City Census.
> Also, she sends regards to Cecile. They haven't spoken in many year
> and would love her phone number.
Her daughter Harriet's number is 514-336-9039
> I have attached a spreadsheet showing the immigration records that I ha ve
> located so far.
Hope you don't mind... I made some changes to bring the format into someth ing similar to what I normally see.
> My genealogy database is about 2 years out of date. I have a ton of
> material to enter, but have not had the time. If you would like, I cou ld
> send you a GEDCOM file of what I have.
What I would like to start with is the info on you to your great-grandfath er so that I can put you into my tree.
Are you in touch with Larry?
Stan From: SMSDIAMOND@aol.com Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 7: 50 PM
To: maury@kitces.com
Cc: Ldpearso@aol.com
Subject: A new mystery!! Found Aron and Malka's marriage record
The file with the 1879 to 1882 Bialystok Marriage indices arrived today fr om Poland. As you know, as the project coordinator of Jewish Records Inde xing - Poland, I have a little pull and get the data hot off the press. .. often months before the indices are posted to our database on the web s ite.
Here is the record that came as a surprise:
Marriage Record from 1882, Akt # 108
PEREC Aron son of Josel
D£UGO£OWSKA Malka daughter of Elia
Everything about this record, except Malka's father's name and surna me is dead on. Finally, we have the exact year of marriage too!
1. It could be that Elia (Elias) was also known as Aron and perhaps
the Hebrew part of this record will indicate both names.
2. The surname DLUGOLOWSKA is the real surprise.
Perhaps Malka's father "Aron" and Aron's father Josel were not brothe rs after all.
Maybe Malka and husband Aron were related in another way.
The record is at the very end of Mormon Microfilm # 1,618,509 and a frie nd from the genealogical world is going to make a copy of it at the New Yo rk Family History Center this coming week. I will keep you posted.
Stan (see reply on March 2nd)
Subj:Re: A new mystery!! Found Aron and Malka's marriage record
In a message dated 12/2/2001 10:15:35 PM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> Very interesting!!
> Malka is the key to the relation to the 2 families. The informati on I have
> from several sources is that Malka and Aron were cousins, probably firs t
> cousins. Also, Malka is supposedly the half-sister of Simon, Meyer, Gu s,
> etc. She could be a half-sister with the same mother, but that mea ns the
> cousin relationship would also go through the mother.
> I also heard that her name was Pearson BEFORE she married Aron.
> Perhaps that part is incorrect.
> Hopefully, more records will show up.
I may have not explained myself well. What I was quoting you was the ent ry from the indices. When we get the FULL extract of the record (they we re in both Russian and Hebrew), we will get Malka's mother's name and may be her mother's maiden name and hopefully the towns where they were bor n. I.e. there are no Bialystok birth records for Malka and Aron.
On my part, I am very anxious to see if the marriage record gives Aron's m other Faige's maiden name because I have never seen it in writing on th at side of the ocean. Since Faige was my great-grandmother's sister, th is is of great interest to me.
Stan Subj: Re: A favour, please Date:12/5/2001 7:08:01 AM EST From:a.sharon@shaw.ca (Alexander Sharon)
Hi Stan,
On the right column first word says: Kholost which in Russian means "bache lor"
Next is the word : Sukhov...... (is this a shtetl?) and name: Aron Yoselev ich (son of Yosel) Perec (Peretz) and dievitsa (Russian for bride) Malka E liashevna (Elia's daughter) Dlogolovskaya (Russian usually adding suffix . ."aya" to Dlugolowska).
What is is word starting with "Sukhov.."..in front of Aron's name could re fer to? Just curious.
Subj:Re: Aron and Malka's marriage record
Date:3/2/2002 5:46:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
File: Malczewski_Muszkat in Lublin.ZIP (92685 bytes)
DL Time (46667 bps): < 1 minute
In a message dated 3/2/2002 10:57:43 AM EST, maury@kitces.com writes:
> I was looking through the Polish Indices this week, and found several f amily
> references. Clearly, the name of our branch in Bialystok was PEREC. M y
> grandfather Mejer's record is exact. Correct father, Aron, mother, Cha na, and
> even grandfather Nissel! It finally gives a definitive birth date f or him of 1882.
> There is also a record for his brother Gdalia, as well as probable entr ies for
> Aron's son Jack, and a previously unknown child Neche (b. 1892, d. 189 3).
> Have you found out any more about the mysterious Malka?
> Maury.
Regrettably, with all the things in which I am involved, there is little t ime for my own research.
I suggest you arrange for copies and full extracts of all the PEREC recor ds from Bialystok, both those in the Mormon microfilms and those not film ed by the Mormons and only available in the Polish State Archives.
Only by getting full extracts, can you unlock the secrets that may be m ay be buried within these docs.
I am attaching an Excel file with all the records with the EXACT spelli ng PEREC. However, you should also do a Daitch - Mokotoff soundex sear ch and see which other spellings might also have been used by/for the fami ly.
Sources |
- [S238] Stanley Diamond Update - 03/13/2002.
Date of Import: Mar 14, 2002
- [S239] Original Import into Legacy.
- [S16] JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR), JewishGen, comp, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc;).
- [S172] Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968, Ancestry.com, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.;), Institut Généalogique Drouin; Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Drouin Collection; Author: Gabriel Drouin, comp.
- [S622] 1911 Census of Canada, Ancestry.com, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc;), Year: 1911; Census Place: 22 - Ste Anne Ward, Montreal Ste Anne, Quebec; Page: 7; Family No: 72.
- [S238] Stanley Diamond Update - 03/13/2002 (Reliability: 3).
Date of Import: Mar 14, 2002
- [S1186] 1911 Canada Census.
- [S1186] 1911 Canada Census (Reliability: 3).
- [S171] Drouin.
- [S171] Drouin, recorded in 1930.
- [S171] Drouin.
record for "Albert", hard to decipher
- [S171] Drouin (Reliability: 3).
- [S260] JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR), JewishGen, comp, (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2008.Original data - This data is provided in partnership with JewishGen.org..Original data: This data is provided in partnership with JewishGen.org.;).
- [S3280] (JOWBR) JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry.
- [S1259] Family Who's Who.
- [S4786] Hebrew name Pinchus from Family Who's Who.
- [S2466] Poland, Jewish Records Indexing-Poland, Marriages, 1798-1939, JRI-Poland Shtetl CO-OP Volunteers, comp, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc;).